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性别: 男


“协和学者”特聘教授,北京协和医学院准聘副教授,中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所课题组长,国家卫健委病原系统生物学重点实验室PI,病原体感染防控教育部重点实验室PI。曾任北京市第十届青年联合会委员,中国医学科学院青年科学家创新联盟理事会副理事长,中国青年科技工作者协会基础专委会委员。哈尔滨工业大学/哈尔滨医科大学获医学遗传学博士学位,美国匹兹堡大学传染病学博士后,主要研究方向为医学病毒学。发现了HCV辅助受体Occludin、研发了高效广谱的SARS-CoV-2中和抗体、深入阐明了HCV和ZIKV等多种病毒的感染与致病机制、建立了多维度抗病毒药物研究平台等。教育部自然科学奖二等奖第一完成人。作为通讯作者(含第一作者)在《Hepatology》、《Sci Adv》、《Nat Commun》、《Signal Transduct Target Ther》、《Cancer Res》、《J Cell Biol》、《J Virol》等本领域高水平专业杂志发表SCI论文40余篇;超10项专利获授权;完成新冠病毒纳米抗体成果转化1项;作为项目负责人获得国家重点研发计划、863、973、国自然重点项目和面上项目等科研课题多项;培养研究生20余名。


1.    病毒感染与致病机制: 丙肝病毒的受体发现与感染机制研究、寨卡和登革等黄病毒的致病机制与抗病毒研究等。
2.    抗体药物研发:全合成抗体发现平台与AI抗体设计平台、抗感染与抗肿瘤抗体药物研发等。


作为项目负责人主持“国家重点研发计划”项目1项,“863” 项目1项,国家自然基金区域联合基金重点项目1项、面上项目7项,医科院创新工程项目1项等。作为课题负责人主持“973计划”课题1项、“传染病重大专项”课题1项等。参与其他国家级项目多项。


1. Yang X, Duan H, Liu X, Zhang X, Pan S, Zhang F, Gao P, Liu B, Yang J, Chi X, Yang W. Broad Sarbecovirus Neutralizing Antibodies Obtained by Computational Design and Synthetic Library Screening. J Virol. 2023 Jul 27;97(7). 
2. Chi X, Zhang X, Pan S, Yu Y, Shi Y, Lin T, Duan H, Liu X, Chen W, Yang X, Chen L, Dong X, Ren L, Ding Q, Wang J, Yang W. An ultrapotent RBD-targeted biparatopic nanobodyneutralizes broad SARS-CoV-2 variants. Signal Transduct Target Ther.2022 Feb 9;7(1):44.
3. Lin T, Chi X, Liu X, Pan S, Chen W, Duan H, Zhang X, Yang W. Recombinant Full-Length Hepatitis CVirus E1E2 Dimer Elicits Pangenotypic Neutralizing Antibodies. Front Immunol.2022 Jun 28;13:831285.
4. Zhou L, Zhou J, Chen T, Chi X, Liu X, Pan S, Chen W, Wu T, Lin T, Zhang X, Li YP, Yang W. Identification of Ascomycin against Zika virus infection through screening of natural product library. Antiviral Res. 2021 Dec;196:105210.
5. Chi X, Liu X, Wang C, Zhang X, Li X, Hou J, Ren L, Jin Q, Wang J, Yang W. Humanized single domain antibodies neutralize SARS-CoV-2 by targeting the spike receptor binding domain. Nat Commun. 2020Sep 10;11(1):4528.
6. Ci Y, Liu ZY, Zhang NN, Niu Y, Yang Y, Xu C, Yang W, Qin CF, Shi L. Zika NS1-induced ER remodeling is essential for viral replication. J Cell Biol. 2020 Feb 3;219(2). 
7. Zhou J, Chi X, Cheng M, Huang X, Liu X, Fan J, Xu H, Lin T, Shi L, Qin C, Yang W. Zika virus degrades the ω-3fatty acid transporter Mfsd2a in brain microvascular endothelial cells and impairs lipid homeostasis. Sci Adv. 2019 Oct 23;5(10):eaax7142.
8. Xu H, Cheng M, Chi X, Liu X, Zhou J, Lin T, Yang W. High-Throughput Screening Identifies Mixed-Lineage Kinase 3 as a Key Host Regulatory Factor in Zika Virus Infection. J Virol. 2019Aug 28;93(18).
9. Fan J, Cheng M, Chi X, Liu X, Yang W. A Human Long Non-coding RNA LncATV Promotes Virus Replication Through Restricting RIG-I-Mediated Innate Immunity. Front Immunol. 2019 Jul 19;10:1711.
10. Cheng M, Niu Y, Fan J, Chi X, Liu X, Yang W. Interferon down-regulation of miR-1225-3p as an antiviral mechanism through modulating Grb2-associated binding protein 3 expression. J Biol Chem. 2018Apr 20;293(16):5975-5986.
11. Li D, Cheng M, Niu Y, Chi X, Liu X, Fan J, Fan H, Chang Y, Yang W. Identification of a novel human long non-coding RNA that regulates hepatic lipid metabolism by inhibiting SREBP-1c. Int J Biol Sci. 2017 Feb 25;13(3):349-357.
12. Chi X, Niu Y, Cheng M, Liu X, Feng Y, Zheng F, Fan J, Li X, Jin Q, Zhong J, Li YP, Yang W. Identification of a Potent and Broad-Spectrum Hepatitis C Virus Fusion Inhibitory Peptide from the E2 Stem Domain. Sci Rep. 2016 Apr 28; 6:25224.
13. Li X, Niu Y, Cheng M, Chi X, Liu X, Yang W. AP1S3 is required for hepatitis C virus infection by stabilizing E2 protein. Antiviral Res. 2016 Jul; 131:26-34.
14. Yang W, Zhang M, Chi X, Liu X, Qin B, Cui S. An intramolecular bond at cluster of differentiation 81ectodomain is important for hepatitis C virus entry. FASEB J. 2015 Oct;29(10): 4214-26.
15. Niu Y, Si Y, Li Y, Chi X, Li X, Liu X, Li D, Cheng M, Fan J, Si S, Yang W. A novel small-molecule inhibitor of hepatitis C virus replication acts by suppressing signal transducer and activator of transcription 3. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2015 Jul; 70(7):2013-23.
16. Cheng M, Si Y, Niu Y, Liu X, Li X, Zhao J, Jin Q, Yang W. High-throughput profiling of alpha interferon- andinterleukin-28B-regulatedmicroRNAs and identification of let-7s with anti-hepatitis C virus activity by targeting IGF2BP1. J Virol. 2013 Sep; 87(17):9707-18.
17. Liu X, Huang Y, Cheng M, Pan L, Si Y, Li G, Niu Y, Zhao L, Zhao J, LiX, Chen Y, Yang W. Screening and rational design of hepatitis C virus entry inhibitory peptides derived from GB virus ANS5A. J Virol. 2013 Feb; 87(3):1649-57.
18. Si Y, Liu S, Liu X, Jacobs JL, Cheng M, Niu Y, Jin Q, Wang T, Yang W. A humanclaudin-1-derived peptide inhibits hepatitis C virus entry. Hepatology. 2012 Aug; 56(2):507-15.
19. Cheng M, Si Y, Yang Y, Liu X, Gong Q, Zhao J, Niu Y, Li X, Jin Q, Yang W. Recombinant human interleukin 28B: anti-HCV potency, receptor usage and restricted cell-type responsiveness. J Antimicrob Chemother. 2012 May; 67(5):1080-7.
20. Liu X, Wang T, Wakita T, Yang W. Systematic identification of microRNA and messenger RNA profiles in hepatitis C virus-infected human hepatoma cells. Virology. 2010 Mar1; 398(1):57-67.
21. Liu S#, Yang W#, Shen L, Turner JR, Coyne CB, Wang T. Tight junction proteins claudin-1and occludin control hepatitis C virus entry and are downregulated during infection to prevent superinfection. J Virol. 2009 Feb; 83(4):2011-4.
22. Yang W, Hood BL, Chadwick SL, Liu S, Watkins SC, Luo G, Conrads TP, Wang T. Fatty acid synthase is up-regulated during hepatitis C virus infection and regulates hepatitis C virus entry and production. Hepatology. 2008 Nov; 48(5):1396-403.
23. Yang W, Qiu C, Biswas N, Jin J, Watkins SC, Montelaro RC, Coyne CB, Wang T. Correlation of the tight junction-like distribution of Claudin-1 to the cellular tropism of hepatitis C virus. J Biol Chem. 2008 Mar 28; 283(13):8643-53.
24. Yang W, Zhang Y, Li Y, Wu Z, Zhu D. Myostatin induces cyclin D1 degradation to cause cell cycle arrest through a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase/AKT/GSK-3 beta pathway and is antagonized by insulin-like growth factor 1. J Biol Chem. 2007 Feb 9; 282(6):3799-808.
25. Yang W, Chen Y, Zhang Y, Wang X, Yang N, Zhu D. Extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway is involved in myostatin-regulated differentiation repression. Cancer Res. 2006 Feb 1; 66(3):1320-6.


